Thursday, November 4, 2010

week 3 Homology&Analogy

1. The arms of a human and of a seal are homologs and have a common relationship even though each look different from the outside, structurally they are the same.
2. In the human arm each bone is a little longer including the humerus, radius, and ulna. The bones in the seals limb is thicker then that of a humans and the ulna is shaped a little different. There are differences because humans use there arms to pick up and grab objects while seals use there limbs to crawl and swim.
3. Both seals and humans are mammals.

1. An example of two species with analog traits would be the wings of a bird and of a butterfly. Both have wings but did not come from the same ancestor.
2. Both birds and butterflies have wings wings so they can fly around there habitat. Both have wings because of the way they have evolved and to better fit there environment.
3.The common ancestor of the two species, birds and butterflies, did not have wings.


  1. Good Homologous trait. I agree about the differences is structure and function. I understand that those differences are based on the surroundings and necessities of the species.

    Also good Analogous trait. I agree about the fact that both are used the for the same reason or whatever their environment requires them to do.

  2. I would have never thought that humans had anything in common with seals...but you did a good job at describing their similarities and explaining the subtle differences in bone structure.

  3. Humans also have a homologous trait with whales. Its interesting how humans could have a common ancestor with an aquatic mammal. This shows that many species are closely related to one another.
